2021 : New Year, New Mindset, New Healthier Habits

A new year often signifies a fresh start for many people. For some, this means setting health goals, such as losing weight, following a healthier diet, and starting an exercise routine. Its halfway through the first month of 2021. No need to look back at what has been or could have been, but only forward at a new year, with a new mindset to create healthier habits FOR YOU. As humans, we are programmed to operate in all-or-nothing thinking; that ‘go big or go home’ is the ultimate goal. And when it comes to those goals, we tend to overcommit without knowing what we’re getting ourselves into.

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We have a better idea. Give yourself a trial run! But even before that, map out what you’d like to accomplish and be SPECIFIC! Utilize SMART goals. That just means making goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, & time-bound.

Here are a few examples of how you can implement SMART goals:

  • Instead of saying “I’m going to eat more vegetables’, you can say ‘I’m going to eat a big salad for lunch Monday through Friday” or “I’m going to prepare 4 different types of veggies on Sunday and incorporate them into my lunch and dinner.”

  • Instead of saying “I want to eat healthier”, be specific with what you’re going to implement. You can say “I’m going to build my plate around protein, veggies, and healthy fats every day” or “I’m going to only eat when I’m hungry, and sit down to eat without distraction whenever I’m home.”

By making goals specific, manageable, and timely, you’re much more likely to be successful.

Here are a few specific habits that are easily manageable and can help your new mindset flourish!

🥕 Eat more whole foods

One of the easiest and most sustainable ways to improve overall health is to eat more whole foods. Whole foods, including vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains, all with contain a plethora of nutrients that your body needs to function at an optimal level.

🥕 Rely Less on Convenience Foods 

Many people rely on convenience foods, such as packaged chips, cookies, frozen dinners, and fast food, for a quick meal or snack. Though these items may be tasty and readily available, they can have detrimental effects on your health if eaten too often. To cut back on your consumption of convenience foods, make a goal to eat a specific meal a day at a specific place (like us!)! 

🥕 Rethink Dieting 

Chronic dieting is harmful to both physical and mental health. Plus, most people who lose weight through restrictive dieting regain up to two-thirds of the weight lost within 1 year. Dieting can also make it harder to lose weight in the future. Rather than setting a New Year’s goal to lose weight by using restrictive measures, such as a fad diet, try a healthier, more sustainable method of weight loss by focusing on increasing physical activity and eating healthier foods.

🥕 Add More Produce to Your Diet 

Adding more cooked and raw vegetables and fruits to your diet can go a long way towards improving your health in this new year. Numerous studies have shown that eating a diet rich in produce helps protect against various illnesses, such as diabetes, heart diseases, certain cancers, and obesity, as well as overall mortality.

🥕 Cut Back on Alcohol 

Though alcohol can certainly fit into a healthy diet, imbibing too often can negatively affect your health. What’s more, drinking alcohol frequently may keep you from reaching your health and wellness goals. If you think cutting back on alcohol may be helpful for you, set a reasonable goal to keep yourself on track, such as limiting drinking to weekend nights only or setting a drink limit for the week. 

🥕 Create a Sustainable, Nourishing Diet

You may be making a goal to eat healthier or lose weight year after year because you’re prioritizing short-term changes over long-term health benefits. Instead of making a plan to follow yet another restrictive fad diet, this New Year, make a resolution to break your dieting cycle and create a sustainable, nourishing eating habit. The healthiest habit is one that’s rich in whole, nutrient-dense foods and low in heavily processed, sugary products. A healthy, long-term diet should not only be nutritious but also adaptable, meaning you can follow it for life — no matter the circumstances. A sustainable eating pattern can be maintained on vacation, during holidays, and at parties because it’s unrestrictive and suited to your lifestyle.

To go a little deeper but keeping it short and sweet, in conclusion: 

  1. Eat a plant based breakfast (try out our new plant based breakfast menu!).

  2. Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice (instead, try out one of our aqua frescas!).

  3. Drink water before meals.

  4. Eat Soluble Fiber (nuts, lentils, beans, seeds etc).

  5. Drink coffee of tea (have you signed up for our coffee club yet?)

  6. Base your new lifestyle on whole foods!

  7. Eat slowly.

  8. And one of the most important, get good quality sleep!

Though most New Year’s resolutions are only kept for a short period, the few healthy goals listed above are sustainable ways to improve your physical and emotional health that can be followed for life. Creating a healthier relationship with food and taking better care of your body and mind can drastically improve your health in various ways.

This New Year, try out a few of the resolutions in this newsletter to help create this year — and the years that follow — the healthiest and happiest possible! #createahealthyhabit

With Love, Andrea


If life gives you lemon, drink green juice!
