You may reach for the spice rack in your kitchen to add depth and flavor to dishes, but did you know spices can also protect the body from chronic illness with their high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties? From helping to lower cholesterol to aiding in mood and cognitive regulation below are our four favorite spices which we have incorporated into the Health Habit menu.


Cinnamon is the signature ingredient of our mouth watering Cinnabuns. Delicious on baked apples, sprinkled over oatmeal and plain yogurt or blended into a smoothie, this wonder spice has been proven to help manage cholesterol levels and to regulate blood sugar. Cinnamon is known as one of the oldest spices known to man and is created from the inner bark of the Cinnamomum tree.


Ginger is a part of the Zingiberaceae family, which also includes turmeric and cardamom. This versatile warming spice is used in everything from salad dressings, soups and curries to all kinds of baked sweets! Commonly used to treat many forms of nausea including morning sickness ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties indicate that it could be helpful in the treatment of osteoarthritis, weightloss and in managing and preventing disease. We use it in most of our juices including our Orange Burst, Detox, Cure and Fire Shot!


When it comes to preventing and treating illness this golden spice comes out on top. Turmeric’s active component curcumin has been studied in depth for its potential to help fight cancer, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, digestive disorders, respiratory infections and even depression. We use turmeric not just our Cure juice alongside fresh pressed oranges, cucumber, beets, carrots, ginger and cayenne pepper, but we also marinate our poached eggs and tofu in the powerful spice!

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Peppers are a type of chili pepper which have a moderately hot and spicy flavor thanks to a compound called capsaicin. Capsaicin is what gives these peppers their healing properties including the ability to fight inflammation, reduce oxidative damage, boost metabolism to help ease cold symptoms. We use it to bring some fire to our Cure juice as well as our Fire Shot!

Spices play a significant role in the way we cook and consume food around the world. Every spice has its own flavoring and essence, and its addition or omission can literally make or break a dish. These herbs and spices (along with so many others) can also improve your well-being in countless ways. They can boost immunity, control your blood sugar and reduce inflammation. It’s a no brainer that we should be incorporating the spices of life into our daily routine, not just to supercharge our meals, but to boost our overall health!

Stay Spicy Friends,

With Love,



