New Year, New Detox Routine

How are your new health goals going? Do you seem to be struggling a bit with staying on track because you just feel “blah”? Good news for you we have simple steps to help your body detox naturally to help you create healthier habits in the new year and forever!

We’re all human. We partake in the occasional (or more frequent) indulgences life has to offer. The good news is, our bodies have a natural detoxification process, where each organ works to eliminate excess waste. You’re detoxing naturally right now. Every time you sweat, sneeze, cry, poop and pee, your natural detox pathways are removing toxins, poisons and waste from your body.

But there are certain things we can do to help support this detoxification process even more and counteract the less healthy items we put in our body, as well as the environmental factors for which we have little control.

Begin incorporating these small steps to support detoxification—no short-lived “detox diet” required.


Whether it’s yoga, pilates, dancing, jumping rope or a gym session, it doesn’t really matter as long as you get moving! Exercise makes you sweat which helps your body to detoxify any toxins which have built up in your system. As well as improving your digestion there is also the added bonus that physical activity has on your mental health. Endorphins released from working out will improve your mood helping to lower your overall stress levels


Making sure you are well hydrated is crucial for the detoxification process to take place. Herbal Teas such as dandelion, liquorice, ginger and fennel not only aid in detoxification but also serve as a creative way to reach your daily water intake. Having some warm water with Himalayan pink salt and a squeeze of lemon first thing in the morning will help flush the digestive system and rehydrate your body after a nights sleep.


Consuming a diet rich in antioxidants helps your body reduce damage caused by free radicals and may lower your risk of diseases by protecting against inflammation. It’s easy to recognize antioxidant-rich foods because of their vibrant colors. Berries, fruits, vegetables, spices, organic coffee and green tea contain some of the highest amounts of antioxidants so make sure to incorporate some of these into your daily diet.


A good nights sleep is a crucial component to your overall long-term health, brain science shows that the brain and other parts of the body depend on good sleep to repair and replenish. Your body has an internal biological clock that regulates sleepiness and alertness however a stressful lifestyle combined with stimulants such as caffeine, alcohol, and sugar often block us from recognizing these important signals. Try to avoid consuming these drinks at least 4 hours before bed and limit your screen-time. Doing some gentle yoga, reading and having a hot bath will prepare you for a good nights rest.


Dry skin brushing activates the lymphatic system, stimulates blood circulation, and enhances toxin elimination through our body’s largest organ — the skin! The act of dry skin brushing is really great for beating dry skin during winter month's too. Your lymphatic system plays an important role in your immune system by distributing a watery clear fluid called lymph to all your cells, tissues and organs in your body. This fluid helps you fight infections, circulate your blood flow and basically keeps everything running smoothly. Start at your feet and brush upwards towards your upper chest / heart. You can purchase a dry skin brush from Amazon or your local health store.


Adding an epsom salt bath to your daily routine could prove beneficial in many ways. Epsom salts contain magnesium and sulfate, which have compelling health benefits that can enhance the body’s detoxification capabilities. After working out what could be better than a nice long bath to ease your muscles, remove toxins from your body, destress and get you ready for a great nights sleep.

While it’s true that some of us detox better than others, the “cleaner” you keep your diet and living environment, the fewer the poisons that will need to be removed. For most of us, this is a matter of trying to strike the balance between enjoying life and doing what we know is right for our bodies.

Don’t worry about being perfect. Instead, know that every move you make to support your natural detox pathways is a step in the right direction.


We are here to help you succeed in redefining a new healthier you in 2023.

Commit to eating healthy for 30 consecutive days with a healthy living plan to kickstart your new habits and deliver amazing benefits to your body and your mind.

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Cheers to a healthier you!

With love,



