Habits are actions or behaviors that we repeatedly do in a regular manner. They can be positive or negative and can greatly affect our lives. Positive habits can help us achieve our goals, while negative habits can hold us back.

The formation of habits is influenced by various factors such as our environment, emotions, and past experiences. It takes time and effort to develop a new habit, but with consistency, it can become a part of our daily routine.

To develop positive habits, it is important to set achievable goals, create a plan, and track progress. It is also helpful to have an accountability partner who can provide support and motivation.

On the other hand, breaking negative habits can be challenging. Identifying the triggers that lead to the habit and finding alternative behaviors can help in breaking the habit. It is also important to have self-discipline and patience, as habits are not broken overnight. Keep on reading to see the habits that the top 5% of the most successful people on the planet develop:

  1. Set goals for yourself. Setting goals will help you organize the things you want to achieve. Create short-term and long-term term goals. And also use your social media as a vision board. Use pictures from the internet (saves on ink!) Here are some of the best goal setting apps you can use! Goal Setting Apps

  2. Surround yourself with people who want to see you do well. Someone once said “you are the sum of the people you spend the most time with”. Ask yourself if the people you are spending time with want the best for you and your life. They should align with who you want to be.

  3. Evaluate what isn’t working and eliminate those habits. Like Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result”. Instead, take the time to evaluate what isn’t working and make the necessary improvements. A genius solves problems before they happen.

  4. Learn a new activity or skill. This is a chance to step outside your comfort one and do something you have always wanted to do. Progress is better than perfection. People are learning new skills on the internet, for free, all of the time! NO EXCUSES!

  5. Eat healthily and hydrate daily. We are made up mostly of water. We also are what we eat, so it is essential to treat your body like a temple. Feed yourself nourishing items to make sure you have the energy to accomplish all of your goals. Invest in foods that feed your soul.

Habits play a significant role in our daily lives and can greatly impact on our success and happiness. Developing positive habits and breaking negative ones takes time and effort, but the benefits are worth it in the end. We all deserve to be the best version of ourselves, to be the most successful person in our own lives and to create habits that help us grow into the rockstars we were born to be.

Stay happy and healthy my friends,




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